Tim Firkowski Family - Tree
Tim Firkowski Family - Tree
Pierre-Antoine Poisson
9 Aug 1720 - 1792
Alexis Beaufort-Brunel
14 Apr 1736 - 1775
Marie Anne Parr
abt 1738 - 17 Mar 1810
Jean Francois Poisson
Feb 1692 - 11 Feb 1729
Elizabeth Dezy
1695 - 26 Jul 1753
Joseph Limousin-Beaufort-Brunel
28 Mar 1692 - 9 Aug 1762
Marie Josephte Dubois
13 Oct 1697 -

It is always possible there may be errors in the data on this page. If you know the correct information, or any new information or people that may belong to this Family Tree, please contact me. If you are able to include any photos or documentation that would be greatly appreciated.

Created By: Tim Firkowski
