Tim Firkowski Family - Tree
Tim Firkowski Family - Tree
Alaina Lee Firkowski
30 Nov 1965 -
Eric Walter Firkowski
6 Jul 1942 - 7 Oct 2014
Sherrie Ann Kotchi
16 Mar 1944 -
Wladyslaw Antoni Firkowski
18 Sep 1898 - 6 Oct 1962
Zofia Maria Piwczyk
13 May 1908 - 5 Aug 1995
Julitta Delphine Poisson
1 Jan 1920 - 11 Dec 2010
Marcin Firkowski
17 Sep 1867 - 29 Jan 1933
Marianna Konopa
15 Jul 1870 - 28 Dec 1948
Zofia Ciagała
6 Jan 1872 - 19 Feb 1960
Andrew Edward Poisson
7 Dec 1894 - 3 Aug 1960
Lucina Marie Croisetiere
4 Jul 1895 - abt 1991

It is always possible there may be errors in the data on this page. If you know the correct information, or any new information or people that may belong to this Family Tree, please contact me. If you are able to include any photos or documentation that would be greatly appreciated.

Created By: Tim Firkowski
