Tim Firkowski Family - Tree
Tim Firkowski Family - Tree
Diana Jo McPherson
27 Jan 1963 -
Dale Roy McPherson
16 Jul 1931 - 8 May 2003
Irene Claire Poisson
11 Jun 1932 -
Homer McPherson
2 Jun 1908 -
Marie Brevitz
22 Oct 1909 -
Andrew Edward Poisson
7 Dec 1894 - 3 Aug 1960
Lucina Marie Croisetiere
4 Jul 1895 - abt 1991
Deneri Poisson
9 Nov 1865 - 13 Oct 1951
Jeanne Toutant
2 Mar 1870 - 11 Jul 1948
Sifroid Croisetiere
4 Jun 1863 - 17 Jul 1937
Sarah Marie Cherie Levesque
12 Jan 1871 - 6 Aug 1937

It is always possible there may be errors in the data on this page. If you know the correct information, or any new information or people that may belong to this Family Tree, please contact me. If you are able to include any photos or documentation that would be greatly appreciated.

Created By: Tim Firkowski
